POD (Park Oriented Development), it is an urban spatial development model featured by the ecological infrastructure of urban parks. It develops new cities or communities based on natural resource endowments, enhances the quality of life and living environment in the region, forming a positive interaction between ecological environment and land development in the surrounding areas, which in turn drives the development of new cities. According to UN standards, urban infrastructure in a broad sense consists of three components: firstly, economic infrastructure including public utilities, public works and transport facilities; secondly, social infrastructure including culture, education and healthcare; and thirdly, ecological infrastructure including urban wetland parks, green belts and so on. Rostow's theory of economic development stages proves that in the primary stage of urban development, the focus of urban public investment is to provide the necessary natural public goods such as roads, transportation, water and electricity supply, to create conditions for urban production enterprises and to facilitate the lives of residents; after urban development enters a mature stage, the focus of public goods investment shifts to superior public goods such as education, culture and health care.
Edited and translated by Zhang Yifei